Cheeseboard Roundup

We wholeheartedly agree with Marissa Mullen, of That Cheese Plate fame, who spoke with Rebecca Jennings at Vox about how cheese plates serve as self care. Here is a roundup of some recent cheese plate magic that has us inspired to snack our days away!
1. Erika Kubick from Cheese Sex Death serves up some sassy summertime cheese plate tips and features yours truly as a good poolside option.
2. Life as a Strawberry provides step by step photos and lots of details that help demystify constructing a cheese plate.
3. The Mediterranean Dish has a gorgeous Mezza inspired cheese board that will be very appealing to anyone, but especially those following a Mediterranean diet.
4. Cheese by Numbers is an insta account bursting with cheese plate gold! We love their gorgeous illustrated examples of cheese plate construction using the paint by numbers philosophy.

If you want a tried and true recipe rather than guidelines, we love this easy cheese plate recipe by our food crush icon Ina Garten.
Looking for actual boards for your cheese creations? We sure do like this list of gorgeous board ideas from the Kitchn.
We hope you have fun creating cheese plates! Tag us on social (Insta: @facerockcreamery, Facebook: @facerockcreamery, Twitter: @facerockcheese) and we’ll repost your cheese plates that feature Face Rock Creamery!
If you want to skip the construction altogether, we got you! If you’re in the Bandon area, let us create a cheese plate for you. Our wonderful staff at Face Rock Creamery create custom cheeseboards every day that are perfect to snack on in the creamery, or to take down to the beach for a picnic.