The Face in the Rock

Face Rock Creamery is named in honor of the unique ocean sea stack formation that sits off of Bandon’s stunning coastline.
The ancient rock formation we call Face Rock features a defined upturned face surrounded by smaller outcroppings. A legend from the Coquille Indian Tribe names the face in the rock, which forever gazes at the sky, as that of Ewauna, Princess of the Nah-So-Mah tribe and daughter of Chief Siskiyou.
The legend recounts that Ewauna traveled with her father from the mountains to a great potlatch gathering of local tribes set at the coast. She brought along her dog Komax and a basket holding her cat and kittens. Ewauna was an adventurous child of the mountains, and was eager to explore the ocean she had never seen, but she was held back and warned that evil spirit Seatka, who lived in the ocean, could cause her harm if he had the chance. During the excitement of the potlatch celebration, Ewauna waved off the warning and ran down to the ocean for a moon light swim, bringing her dog and cats along.
As Ewauna swam, Seatka seized the moment and grabbed the young woman in the water, trying to force her to look at him so he could ensnare her in his power. During the struggle, brave Komax swam out to her with the basket of cats in his mouth. Komax managed to get a bite into Seatka, but this just enraged the monster and he struck at the dog, throwing the basket with the cat and kittens into the sea. Ewauna continued her refusal to look at Seatka, keeping her eyes on the moon and telling him she would never look at him. And so today, she remains defiantly looking at the sky, with Komax, her cat and kittens forever nearby.
For a longer version of the legend, check out this tale published by the Bandon Guide.
A stunning vista point to see Face Rock is the Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint. We heartily recommend picking up a cheese plate to go before you head to the point, so that you can gaze on lovely Ewauna with no hurry.