Pack an Easy Curd Snack Box

This snack box is a quick way to pack a portable on-the-go snack.
Face Rock cheddar curds are perfect for packing into a portable, healthy snack for both kids and adults! Cheddar curds are a great cheese to use since they retain their texture and don’t “sweat” as they travel (they are also more likely to “squeak!”). Choose from plain cheddar, Vampire Slayer garlic curds and spicy In Your Face 3-pepper curds to suit your flavor cravings.
To pack your snack, choose a selection of curds, a protein (salami, ham cubes or turkey slices), a sturdy cracker (we like good ol’ Triscuts), and nuts or toppers. In this example we use Kelly’s Habanero Jelly to add a little kick. Use a segmented container to keep your snack elements separate until you’re ready to nosh.
If you have a fluid component, cover that segment with cling wrap to avoid a soggy snack!
If your snack box doesn’t have a built-in utensil, use washi tape to tuck in a small cocktail spoon or fork.
When you arrive at your destination, simply unpack your snack, build up your bite, and enjoy!